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Upholding Democracy

The essence of democratic systems, is "One Person-One Vote", and our democratic systems should ensure this is maintained. Systems always have flaws though, and someone is always active in trying to swerve the results in their direction, and for their own profit. Many observe at this stage, that our systems (both Parliamentary and Local Bodies) have been compromised in many ways, so perhaps it is best to publicise these inequities, with real-time examples to give them weight in the public eye.

View Examples of the following Here

* Race-based seats(votes) in Parliament and in Councils (Maori Wards). In both cases, standing as Unelected Voting Rights, by Lying about what the Waitangi Treaty contains.

* Inclusion of a requirement to adhere to The Principles of The Treaty of Waitangi, in most Government and Local Body job descriptions, when the Principles have NEVER BEEN DEFINED. These lines should be struck out, until the Principles ARE defined. (Currently being worked on and heading for a Referendum, as it needs to be.)

* Councils dissolved by Government, and Commissioners appointed to replace them. (Ecan after the Canterbury Earthquakes)

* Mayors and Council Staff, deliberately blocking information from elected councillers.

* Councillors votes disallowed on the basis of those Councillors having "Pre Conceived Notions" (Carterton District Council)

* Ignoring Public Submissions

* Media (4th Estate) Honesty, or lack of it.

July 2024